Councillor’s Comment – Amanda Hay

Cr Amanda Hay
Cr Amanda Hay

These are my own personal views. I do not purport to speak on behalf of Council. Decisions of Council are made only by majority vote, legislative authority or under authority delegated by Council. 

The 2024-2025 Budget has landed – the $119m budget was adopted on 28 June. The rate increase was kept to a bare minimum with an overall increase in the minimum general rate of just 2.76%, which equates to an annual increase of $45 pa for principal place of residence properties which are on the minimum general rate.  The big ticket item for Tamborine Mountain is the allocation of $4.2 million for the first stage of the Gallery Walk car park, which will go some way to alleviating traffic congestion and parking woes impacting our local residents. Council is committed to identifying and eliminating waste and focussing on productivity and efficiency gains. The Budget is not set in concrete and is reviewed quarterly to identify projects which should be prioritised, and as funds become available. Some events, such as the Christmas night tornado result in a huge, unplanned cost to Council. Grant funding is slow to materialize.

Car thefts – Several recent car thefts on the Mountain have been opportunistic thefts as a result of unlocked dwellings where car keys have been left in plain sight. Local police request that residents be vigilant, lock doors and keep keys hidden.

Recent local issues/complaints – the most frequent complaint is drainage issues, potentially unapproved buildings, dogs and weed infestations, primarily on vacant privately owned land. Adjoining property owners can be provided with the “problem” property’s owner’s postal contact details upon application to Council.

Out and about – The culmination of Eat Local Month was the Winter Harvest Festival at Kalbar. Excellent attendance, great weather and good to see the focus on A Celebration of Lost Culinary Arts at the local hall. A visit to the Tamborine Mountain Botanic Gardens with the Mayor and CEO to see first-hand the progress of the pond de-silting and the still extensive clean-up required following the weather events of Dec/Jan. School holiday entertainment at Ninja Course and Inflatable fun at the Long Rd Sports Complex – I have a blue card so can participate in the supervision of children at Council’s tent. Lions Club changeover lunch. Webinars on Housing, Planning and Economic Development. Cuppa in the Community. Tamborine Mtn Orchestra concert. Clydesdale Spectacular at Boonah.

A word of warning – invasive bamboo (and other weed species). It is the property owner’s responsibility to control vegetation and prevent the spread of plants such as bamboo into neighbouring properties, including National Parks and the Botanic Gardens. That innocent house-warming gift of a potted plant has the potential to be a costly mistake if planted in the garden. The yellow flowering vine currently in full bloom on the Mountain is not cat’s claw creeper but is just as problematic. If you have this on your property, please take action to eradicate it now, before it sets seed. Privet is currently producing vast amounts of black berries – please at least remove these and dispose of appropriately.

Free Council sponsored events – Songs and Stories music events at the library – most recently, a performance by Dane Sharp and Toby Angus to a full house. The next events are Shane Howard (Goanna) on 24 August and The Inadequates on 28 September.

I can be contacted on 0448 376 650 (PLEASE: no text messages) or via email:

Facebook: Cr Amanda Hay – Division 1 – Scenic Rim Regional Council