Zen Water Meditation
Regular columns


We have a five-week yoga intensive coming up soon.  Five weeks of movement, breathwork and meditative practices to target adrenals and the thyroid, helping students raise their vibrations and their vitality.  Inspired by the barrage […]

Zen Water Meditation
Regular columns

Yoga and colds and flu

As the weather is getting chillier many of my students are succumbing to colds and flu.  Ayurveda, the medical side of yoga, has some easy lifestyle tips using real food and spices to help prevent […]

Zen Water Meditation
Regular columns

Women’s Circles

WE HAVE a yoga workshop coming up soon (see Events at www.yogaunderthebodhitree.com.au).  Held at Albert River Winery we are gathering to practice Goddess Yoga and make flower crowns.  A beautiful way to connect to other […]