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Hearts of the Mountain

Marj Simonsen

An Artistic Life Inspired by Gardens

Hearts of the Mountain

AT 86-years-old Marj Simonsen has no plans to slow down. Behind the front door of her picture-perfect cottage, Maison des Fleurs, is a light-filled home alive with her vibrant artworks, felting and plants. “My artwork […]

James Bartle, Outland Denim

Hearts of the Mountain

Hearts of the Mountain

Despite running an international company with headquarters in Melbourne, James Bartle’s heart is deeply held on Tamborine Mountain.  The founder of Outland Denim is a fifth-generation local and after growing up in Longreach and spending […]

Marcus McKay

A Passion for Food

Hearts of the Mountain

For Marcus McKay becoming a chef when he finished school was a chance to explore the world. And that’s exactly what he’s done. “I have lived and worked in France, Japan, Vanuatu and Thailand,” he […]

Rose Linder

A Passion for Horses

Hearts of the Mountain

Rose Linder has been riding since she was two years old. Growing up on a beef cattle farm mustering was a regular part of life on the farm. Her passion for horses grew as she […]

Regular columns

The Basset Hound Dog
Living with Dogs

The Basset Hound Dog

Because this dog was bred to work in a pack; it makes them friendly, social, playful and affectionate.  Basset hounds are generally good with children and other pets.  This short-legged breed is in the scent […]

Australian White Ibis
One small place on earth

Australian White Ibis

Australian White Ibis – Threskiornis molucca, Bishopp Park, Eagle Heights. It was the second such bird I have seen on the mountain. I took the photo in early January 2025, nearly five years ago to the day […]

Michelle Roper-Dennis
Our Scenic Gems

Small shop becomes big business

OVER the past year this column has showcased some of the best tourism ventures in the district. In a small change this month we are looking at a retailer whose shop has also become a […]