SCENIC Scenic Rim Toastmasters Club held their second annual Public Speaking Competitions consisting of impromptu speaking (Table Topics), Evaluation, International and Humorous Speeches.
Speaking impromptu consists of being given a topic to speak on for one or two minutes without any preparation.
This may seem daunting to the uninitiated, however after many meetings where this skill is practiced it becomes an exciting challenge to Club members.
The winner of the Table Topics competition was Trish Scott, current President of the Club and a Charter Member who has progressed from competent to super confident public speaker in the three years since the Club’s inception.
Delivering a speech with purpose and meaning is the focus of the International Speech Contest.
This contest requires competitors to write and deliver a five to seven minute which delivers a message to the audience.
Two members competed in this category and the winner once again was President Trish Scott who delivered a thought provoking speech that left the audience challenged and inspired.
The Evaluation Speech Contest requires competitors to give constructive criticism including commendations and recommendations about the delivery of a speech presented by a Test Speaker. This speech of two to three minutes duration must also have an introduction, body and conclusion including a summary of the main points they have covered.
The winner representing Scenic Rim Toastmasters Club at the Area 24 Contest in November was Chrissy Andrew, another Charter Member of our Club.
The final competition was the Humorous Speech Contest and it was won by one of the Club’s newer members, Shauna Briese.
Her speech had all the elements of humour – gestures, vocabulary and an enthusiasm for story telling complemented by hilarious facial expressions.
The winners go on to compete at Area Level in November.
Scenic Rim Toastmasters Club are having an Open House on November 7 at 6.45pm at the Canungra School of Arts Hall in Pine Street, Canungra.
If you want to learn how be a better communicator and presenter and would like more information come along on the night or contact Christine Lennon on 0409 646 488 or email cmlennon@bigpond.net.au.