Bush Turkey Mound
One small place on earth

Brush Turkey Mound 

Brush Turkey Mound – Alectura lathami, property, North Tamborine.  I wonder how many of you have seen a turkey mound, which is solely built by the male.  It contains up to four tons of material, comprising leaf litter, […]

Tree Termites – Nasutitermes walkeri, Joalah National Park.
One small place on earth

Tree Termites

Tree Termites – Nasutitermes walkeri, Joalah National Park.  This arboreal termite species occurs in eastern New South Wales and much of coastal Queensland, extending to places a fair way inland.  The soldier termites have rounded heads […]

One small place on earth

Spectacled Monarch Nest

Spectacled Monarch Nest – Symposiarchus trivirgatus, the Knoll National Park.  Had we not seen the nest on a night walk, I would never have returned the next day to film it.  Fortunately, it was fairly close […]

Lichen Moth
One small place on earth

Lichen Moth

Lichen Moth –Cyana meyricki, garage, Central Avenue.  A number of species share this common name.  The larva pupates in a cage made from its own hairs held together with silk. It suspends its cocoon in the cage, leaving […]

Small-eyed Net-casting Spider
One small place on earth

Small-eyed Net-casting Spider

Small-eyed Net-casting Spider – Avella despiciens, The Knoll National Park.  This is a wonderful example of the web-spinning skill and ingenuity of a spider.  It takes full advantage of its eight legs. The two hind legs […]

Trapdoor Spider
One small place on earth

The amazing Trapdoor Spider

Tamborine Mountain Trapdoor Spider – Euoplos variabilis, Joalah National Park.  The frame shows the exquisite geometry of the trap door. It is hard to credit that a spider is capable of constructing a lid of earth […]