School girl petitions for bike path

Sophie Newman
Sophie Newman

THIRTEEN-year-old Sophie Newman is a passionate cyclist and walker.

However, living in Paradise Drive, she’s forced to confine her activities to the back streets, steering clear of MacDonnell Road.

Instead of being able to enjoy the benefits that walking and cycling to school bring, she’s forced to take the bus.

The young Tamborine Mountain High School student is so passionate about residents being able to get out and enjoy a walk or a ride she’s created a petition to determine how much community interest there is and eventually present it to the council.

“I know it would take a few years to build it, so my aim is not for myself but for the younger generations to be able to ride to school,” Sophie said.

“There is no way I’d ride on the main roads and my only option is to go the back way, which is a lot longer, and hope I don’t get run over.”

Sophie is adamant more paths would benefit all ages and encourage children to get off their devices and out of the house.

She feels her friends on the Gold Coast are a lot more mobile and independent, not having to rely on parents to drive them around.

Dad Daniel Newman said the work could be done incrementally to work within a council budget.

The petition, started in October, is half way to Sophie’s goal of 1000 signatures.

Howard Stevens, who along with other residents has approached Scenic Rim Regional Council and the Department of Main Roads on numerous occasions over the last 12 years proposing cycleways but to no avail, welcomed Sophie’s efforts.

“It’s encouraging to see the young trying to move things and we are going to have a meeting and see what we can do,” he said.

“It’s a disgrace that we don’t have a path.

“They (the Scenic Rim Regional Council) say, ‘yes, it’s a great idea but we have no money’.”

Councillor Amanda Hay said residents were able to bring up the issue of cycle and walking paths late last year during the community consultation and submission process for the Integrated Transport Plan.

“It would be lovely to have a dedicated path but how many percentage points do residents want rates to go up,” she said.

Councillor Hay said there is currently no budget available, and she would follow up on the submissions to the plan.