No days off for Geoff

Ruth and Geoff Baldwin
Ruth and Geoff Baldwin

ON Monday, January 6 Tamborine Mountain Electrical Services clicked over the 50 years in business mark.

The hard-working community man at the head of the business, Geoff Baldwin, says the success of his company came down to just four words, “We answer the phone”.

“If someone rings with an electrical issue any day of the week, and that includes Christmas Day, they will get a response from us,” he proudly said.

Obviously to survive and grow a business for half a century just answering the phone cannot be the only reason for its success and for Tamborine Mountain Electrical Services it hasn’t been.

Geoff first came to the district in the early 1970’s working for Beaudesert electrical contractor, Ray Rogers, prior to opening his own business.

“Tamborine Mountain only had around 800 residents at that time and many were involved in farming,” he said.

“It has certainly changed a lot and we have changed and grown with it.

“We had to commit to learning new expertise so we could service all the differing needs of the now thriving Tamborine Mountain area.

“We cater for everything now from housing projects to refrigeration to overseeing major electrical projects and presently we have been working with the developers of a new brewery for the area,”

he said.

Keeping abreast of the growing electrical needs of the community has been a winning formula for his company.

One of his proudest achievements over the past 50 years has been the number of young apprentices they have indentured and trained setting them up for life.

In all the company has graduated more than 70 apprentices and at the moment they have four more on the books.

“My grandson, Jayden, is now learning his trade here and even though I am 73 years-of-age I’ll be here at work to shake his hand when he graduates,” Geoff said.

While he has serviced the electrical needs of The Tamborine Mountain community for many years Geoff has also committed himself to the future of the area and has been a member of the local Rotary Club for as long as he has been in business.

When will he retire you may well ask?

Well, according to Geoff he has no intention of putting away the pliers, he still thrives on going to work each day, although he may be cutting his seven day a week commitment back to four, although that’s not offical even though his wife Ruth and daughters Rachel and Sarah may want him to.