The University of Third Age (U3A) Tamborine Mountain group were received a$1,000 grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) to purchase a new laptop for their secretary, Bev Kirk, after their old laptop failed.
Bev said the laptop is integral to the association as it is used to keep in contact with approximately 220 Tamborine Mountain U3A members, a process that has proven difficult during the period when the laptop was down.
“It can be done, we just need a laptop. We are unable to successfully keep our 220 plus members informed regarding the courses and activities we organise for them without one,” says Bev.
“We are very happy that we got the grant.”
The Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) is Queensland’s largest one-off community grants program and distributes approximately $60 million each year to not-for-profit community groups.
The U3A is a volunteer association for retirees and the mature aged, where members can learn, teach and socialise.
For more information about U3A, visit https://www.u3atamborinemountain.com or contact Bev at 0432 278 258.