Councillor’s Comment

Cr Amanda Hay
Cr Amanda Hay

Amanda Hay – Division 1

These are my own personal views. I do not purport to speak on behalf of Council. Decisions of Council are made only by majority vote, legislative authority or under authority delegated by Council. 

Gallery Walk – repairs to the Council-owned winery appear to be complete so presumably the auction is not too far off. Inadequate bins, lack of doggy-do bags and a significant complaint re the state of the public toilets have all been reported to Council. 

Grubs are alive and well on the Mountain – the 2-legged variety. Please consider installing motion-activated security lights/cameras. The grubs removed six advanced and expensive recently planted weeping standard roses from a resident’s yard – they lasted all of 24 hours after planting. Business break-ins continue. Please be vigilant.

30 Kidd St proposed development – Council is awaiting the developer’s response to its lengthy information request. Those interested in this development may like to read the Economic Need Assessment submitted by the developer: ECM_12534821_v1_Attachment 8 – Economic Report ( The Executive Summary commencing on page 4 is interesting. Bearing in mind that there is a similar development of 167 dwellings already approved and under construction at 27 Finch Rd Canungra (14 klm distant from Kidd St), a “short-term slight over-supply would be likely”. At page 20 the following extract from a submission made by the Retirement Village Association appears: “There are many factors which contribute to the lack of affordable seniors’ accommodation in Queensland, the main one being the cost of developing or redeveloping retirement villages in locations which are suitable to the cohort (i.e., that is close to public transport, shopping and community networks, including hospitals and other medical facilities). If land does become available, it is either price prohibitive or priced in such a way that accommodation developed is not affordable for many.” Note: My emphasis.

Recent local issues/complaints – more drainage issues, graffiti on signs near hang-gliders (again), potentially unapproved van vendors, the proliferation of unapproved and possibly scam-related “business” signage. Thankyou to those who have reported these. Unauthorised signs on Energex assets (such as businesses nailing signs to poles) should be reported to 131253 or via email to and include the pole number and a photo of the sign plus the location of the pole. There are legal consequences as attaching signs to power poles is illegal – fines of $6,000+ can be imposed.

Is your dog registered? – Registrations close 31 July 2024: dog-registration-form (

Inspector-General of Emergency Management (IGEM) – review of severe weather events – a community forum was held at the Vonda Youngman Ctr on 2 July. Submissions close 30 August. Further info: 2023–24 Severe Weather Season Review | IGEM This is your opportunity to contribute to the review which aims to identify enhancements to inform and deliver continuous improvement in Queensland disaster management arrangements. What worked and what didn’t?

Plastic Free July Workshop – 30 July 2024, 11-12 noon at Maker Space, 30/32 Main Street. Suits all ages – come along to this free activity.

Biodiversity – The State Government’s requirements re fire ant management continue to change. Watch this space.

I can be contacted on 0448 376 650 (PLEASE: no text messages) or via email:

Facebook: Cr Amanda Hay – Division 1 – Scenic Rim Regional Council

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” — Winston Churchil.