These are my own personal views. I do not purport to speak on behalf of Council. Decisions of Council are made only by majority vote, legislative authority or under authority delegated by Council.
The Gallery Walk winery auction – the property was sold at auction for $2.6m plus GST.
Planning matters – Approved: 2 carports at 210-220 Macdonnell Rd; a carport at the front of 43 Kinabalu Dr. New applications: MCU24/151 – new dwelling within landslide hazard and steep slope area overlay at 13 Kailas Ct; MCU24/153 – 2 new patios at 212 Beacon Rd.
Land valuations – the Scenic Rim will be subject to new valuations as part of the Valuer-General’s 2025 Program. Once issued, valuations will reflect land valuations on 01 October 2024 and will come into effect for rates notices issued after 30 June 2025. Your rates are largely based on your land valuation. Please visit Objections, deductions and reviews | Environment, land and water | Queensland Government to determine if you will have grounds to object. Those whose properties are impacted by significant drainage issues or other impediments might like to start gathering their objection material.
Compliance issues – On 27 November 2024 Council approved a new Compliance and Enforcement Policy and Procedure. Whilst Council’s compliance activities are largely reactive (to complaints received), be assured that where a potential compliance matter is brought to my attention, it will be submitted to Council for review. Under the new Corporate Procedure, the following is stated:
4.1. BASIS FOR AN INVESTIGATION Generally, Council will commence a Compliance and Enforcement process where a breach of legislation or local law has been identified, following a report about the issue. These reports can be made by any persons (Council officers, individuals, companies, Councillors) and can be made verbally or in writing to Council.
The number of customer requests for compliance-related matters has increased by 75% over a six-year period from 2019 to current. Is this due to greater vigilance by community members or simply the increase in blatant disregard by those who consider the rules and regulations don’t apply to them?
Contact Council BEFORE you commence any activity which may require approval or a permit, and you have been unable to ascertain what is required from Council’s website. Ignorance is no excuse. I am constantly amazed at the amount of construction on the Mountain (tiny homes, cabins, concrete driveways to the road, converted shipping containers and sheds etc) which has been undertaken without the necessary approvals. We need to remember that the Mountain is primarily a residential area and that unapproved activities and development impacts on the Mountain’s liveability and the lifestyle which drew us to live here. Those who put financial gain ahead of their neighbours’ amenity without the appropriate approvals – take note: Council can issue Penalty Infringement Notices. Also note: Party houses are not consistent development anywhere within the Scenic Rim region.
What is Tourist Accommodation – please refer to the following fact sheet: Community Advice Templates re Scenic Rim Planning Scheme 2020
Home-based businesses – please check if you need Council approval prior to commencement of your business: Fact Sheet re Scenic Rim Planning Scheme 2020
30 Kidd St – Living Gems application – as at 29 November, no documents have been lodged with Council in satisfaction of its Information Request. Due date: 03 December I believe (the latest approved extension not being visible on DAP Online).