Obituary – Doggles Dog

Junior - Doggles Dog
Junior - Doggles Dog

Over the last 11 years, Junior had become well known to many Mountain residents who have been asking us where he is.   

Sadly Junior, nearly sixteen, has passed away.

He was recognised by many as he drove past with his head hanging out the back window wearing his doggles. 

Junior was a character, highly opinionated, he wouldn’t hesitate to give you his opinion with his ‘special talk’. 

We have so many stories about him. 

He loved life, going for drives in the car, meeting up with people, kids and other dogs, exploring everything.  

He was funny, loving and very smart.  If we did something for him that he especially liked, God help us if we didn’t continue to do it from then on.  If we didn’t, we got told off by him big time.

Over the years on weekend walks at the hang glider site, besides searching for picnic leftovers, he was often requested to be in wedding photos that were taking place at the time.  

Complete strangers from all over now have Junior as a member of the wedding party forever.  He was a pro in knowing to look straight down the camera lens.  

Then there were the constant photos taken by residents and strangers with and without his doggles, who then forwarded them to other friends and family around the country and the world.

On walks, if someone was approaching, he would drop like an anchor and refuse to budge until they gave him love and pats. 

Even ‘dragging him’ to stand, he was like a bag of cement. Not moving until I get what I want.  

If he liked you he would have a wagging tail.  If he really liked you, he would have a propeller tail.  

If he really, really liked you, he would allow you into ‘the pack’.  He showed this by trying to hump your leg (to show you can be in the pack, but know your place … at the bottom).  

We were Junior’s unpaid staff.   Steve was sport and recreation, I was housekeeping, cook and nurse (Steve was the favourite of course).

Thank you to all the lovely people who have given him love, pats and kind words over the years.  He truly loved it all.

Lastly, for some reason, on very windy days, Junior would take to leaping into the air like he thought he could fly.  On those days we called him the ‘Red Bull Dog’.

Well beautiful wee man, now you really do have wings and you really can fly.  We will always love you sweetheart.  

Until we’re together again.