THE Tamborine Mountain Arts Trail opens on May 4 with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony by local Wangeriburra and Munanjali custodians, Brendan Knight and Waylene Currie.
The community is invited to participate in the opening ceremony and should meet opposite the Art Post on the Median Strip in Main Street, North Tamborine at 8.30 am.
“The ceremony will unify and connect us as a community on Country and bring in good energy for the opening of the Trail”, says Waylene.
The Arts Trail will run over the Labour Day Long weekend and Mother’s Day weekend in May.
More than 65 local artists are involved this year; opening their own studio or participating in a group exhibition hosted by a selection of businesses, venues and galleries hosting artists and events.
It is a great chance to meet the artists, see and experience the creative process, purchase local, unique artworks and participate in artist-led workshops.
The Arts Trail is proud to feature First Nation Wangeriburra and Munanjali artist, Waylene Currie at The Art Post in Main Street.
Waylene presents unique, colourful and beautiful cultural artworks in a variety of mediums, including digital, acrylic paintings, craft and woodwork of traditional tool making.
Waylene’s creativity is focused on First Nation’s artwork and storytelling through her continual connection to Country and spirit.
Waylene has won multiple commissions and offers a variety of services in cultural diversity and understanding.
She lives in Beaudesert with her family.
Visitors to the Arts Trail can meet her in person and learn the stories of her works over the weekend.
During the week, the Arts Trail also presents a number of workshops, from May 7 to 10, where visitors can dive deeper, learn new skills and engage with other creatives.
These include: ‘Forest Mapping’, a nature meditation and mixed media, drawing and painting workshop, jewellery making, pottery, rug making and basket weaving and fibre arts where visitors can experience mindful and slow arts.
Bookings are advised as it is anticipated these workshops will be very popular.
Bookings can be made through the website at www.tamborinemountain.arts.
Pop up group exhibitions, music and performers will feature at the Grand Chameleon and the Escarpment Retreat.
This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family to the Mountain and support local artists and an invigorated and growing arts culture on the Mountain.
For more information, visit