Jon Krause MP

Jon Krause
Jon Krause

May is Small Business Month  

In the Scenic Rim we are lucky to have many small businesses run by hard-working people. Buying local – all year! – and supporting these businesses not only supports local jobs for locals, but enables those businesses to give more back to the community through sponsorships and support for great causes. It’s a cliché, I know, but small businesses really are the engine room of the Scenic Rim Electorate, not just economically, but community-wise as well. One dollar spent at a local business is estimated to return up to five times that amount through employee wages, rates and the purchase of materials and supplies. Let’s support those that support us!

Electricity Rebates = Admission Of Failure

“Grossly irresponsible and [a] desperate vote-buying exercise”, which the government “simply cannot afford”. That’s how economist Gene Tunny, of Queensland’s Adept Economics, described the Government’s handout on electricity bills. The rebate is an admission of failure by the Government when in it comes to the underlying problem – which is that electricity bills are skyrocketing (and increasing faster in Queensland than anywhere else in the nation). The over 1000-day closure of the Callide C power station (removing 10% of electricity supply in Queensland) and a massive amount of money being spent on expensive and unreliable energy sources have caused these increases. My aim is always to have affordable, reliable energy – for our families, farmers and small businesses – and the LNP’s policy to ensure there are maintenance guarantees on our generators is aimed at preventing another Callide-like disaster.

Fire Ants

The LNP team has continually raised concerns with the fire ant eradication program. I continue to hear each week of new incursions and the long response times by departmental officers. A new approach is needed, but in the meantime, please continue to report fire ants if you come across them by calling 13 25 23 or visiting

Contact Me

If I can assist in any way, please email or call the office (5515 1100) or SMS me on 0401 63 44 88.