166 homes proposed for Kidd Street

A DEVELOPMENT application could see 166 homes built on 8.8 hectares at 30 Kidd Street as an Over 50s village.

The application for a material change of use of premises to establish a retirement facility has been made by James Brownsworth of Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of LG Resorts No 1 Pty Ltd, with plans submitted branded with Living Gems – a well known Over 50s resort company.

The site is currently zoned for ‘rural residential’ usage and has avocado trees planted, however it has operated as a hobby farm for several years. 

Previously it was an avocado orchard for the past 50. 

The residential land use surrounding the site has increased over time, with additional residential lots surrounding the site.

The official proposed material change of use states:

“Retirement Facility – means a residential use of premises for—

(a) accommodation for older members of the community, or retired persons, in independent living units or serviced units; or

(b) amenity and community facilities, a manager’s residence, health care and support services, preparing food and drink or staff accommodation, if the use is ancillary to the use in paragraph (a).”

The application states that the built form of homes will be no greater than two storeys or 8.5m above ground level.

Access to the development is proposed via a 10.0m access driveway at the eastern end of Kidd Street.

Most of the documents associated with the application refer to a retirement facility, however the Stormwater Management and Flood Impact Assessment states it is for an Over 50s lifestyle resort. The application will be subject to a public notification period.

Further information and documents are available from Scenic Rim Regional Council’s DAP Online portal.

About Keer Moriarty 41 Articles
Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady with Canungra Times.