THERE are plenty of vibrant, active retirement age people on Tamborine Mountain and many of them are involved in the University of the Third Age (U3A).
The global volunteer-based organisation aims to provide members with programs to learn and socialise in many different ways.
U3A Tamborine Mountain President, Grahame Griffin, says the group currently offers a range of activities – intellectual, cultural, sporting and social, to bring people together and keep them active.
“We have what we call continuing courses like line dancing, table tennis and that sort of thing as well as shorter courses where are around six to eight weeks duration,” said Grahame.
Everyone who runs the courses is a volunteer, they don’t have to be teachers or have qualification, they just share their experiences and interest with others.
Grahame’s particular interest is in great nineteenth century novels and he has facilitated a course on this topic for some time.
“I didn’t expect to be overwhelmed by interest in that but … we meet every month for coffee.”
“It was originally meant to be eight weeks but I thought ‘these people are interested so we may as well keep going’.”
Some of the novels have included Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein, Huckleberry Finn and My Brilliant Career.
Many of these novels are being revisited by members of the group and as Grahame says when people re-read them they enjoy them more.
“We have some great discussions about them – they don’t appeal to everyone the same way and you wouldn’t expect them to, the main thing is to get conversation going.”
Open to more
Grahame said U3A is open to any suggestions for courses that people would like to run.
“Potential tutors need to give an overview of the course but overall we have been pretty accepting and welcome people sharing their experience,” he said.
There are also a huge range of physically active courses for members, regular guest speakers and trips off the mountain.
“We are also doing very well with physical activities with folk dancing, line dancing, pickleball, table tennis, tai chi and ballet.”
Past courses have also included Chinese Culture, Classical Composers Immersion Course, Davis Stratton’s Movies and Art History.
Where it started
U3A began in France in 1973.
U3A on Tamborine Mountain started in 2007, with Grahame taking on the role of Secretary in 2010 and 2011.
He became President for five years, then stepped down for a few years before coming back into the role a couple of years ago.
Humbly, Grahame says the real work is done by the other committee members who help organise tutors, connect members together, put out a regular newsletter and support the organisation in many ways.
While the organisation is primarily aimed at retired people there is no strict age range and anyone who is interested in joining or who would like to offer their services as a facilitator or tutor of a course would be welcomed at the Open Day.
Open Day
U3ATamborine Mountain’s Open Day is on Friday, February 7 from 11.30am to 1.30pm at Zamia Theatre, Main Street.
For more information visit u3atamborinemountain.com.