Councillor’s Comment

Cr Amanda Hay
Cr Amanda Hay

These are my own personal views. I do not purport to speak on behalf of Council. Decisions of Council are made only by majority vote, legislative authority or under authority delegated by Council. 

Living Gems proposed development – 30 Kidd St – the developer will be holding three information sessionscommencing at 3.30pm on Wednesday 9th October 2024 at the Vonda Youngman Ctr. Purpose: to gain local feedback and answer questions. Bookings required: phone 0417648625. As this is the most contentious Mountain development application we have seen, please avail yourself of the opportunity to hear directly from the developer and to raise your concerns. Visual representations of the planned project will be available.

Development applications – multiple new applications this week for Dual Occupancy/Second Dwellings – 411-425 Long Rd; 210-220 MacDonnell Rd; 26-32 Witches Chase. At the rate these applications are being lodged, we will have a significant increase in population – without any subdivision – a shame the infrastructure and services can’t keep up with the residents we have now. It won’t be long before the Mountain resembles Yarrabilba and will the tourists still want to come?

Roadside/verge parking – this is a Police matter, not Council. Many of our attractions have become so popular that onsite parking is now inadequate and customers park on the roadside. Yet another example of poor planning which impacts on local residents. If you have a residential driveway and/or garage, please park inside your property boundary. I regularly receive complaints about vehicles blocking pedestrian access which forces people to walk on the road – Beacon Rd is a prime example.

Unlawful advertising signage – an ongoing compliance issue. Council has removed numerous signs promoting roof repainting and bitumen driveways. Please do not purchase puppies from advertisers who do not include a Breeder Identification Number in their ads. Failure to provide a BIN is an offence and “accidental litters” are no excuse. 

What are Council’s top three compliance issues? All tourism-related: wedding venues, campgrounds and B&Bs (Air, not the real ones). We seem to have lost sight of the fact that the vast majority of ratepayers are residential ratepayers and we are primarily a residential area. 

Feral cats – are on the increase and one local on the Eastern side has trapped six recently. Traps can be obtained from Council….and could the person who owns/has kindly released the wandering rooster near Freemont Dr please retrieve it and either re-home or dispose of it humanely as its crowing is intolerable. Anyone caught dumping roosters at the Knoll Rd Lookout will be dealt with severely. 

Did you know that over 30% of those who utilise Meals on Wheels in the Scenic Rim reside on the Mountain? Thankyou to the small group of local volunteers who  give generously of their time to deliver meals and in some instances are the only social interaction many house-bound residents have. Have you considered volunteering? Many of the volunteers are older than those to whom they deliver! 

Out and about – finally! The Botanic Gardens and our pool have both re-opened. Enjoy!

I can be contacted on 0448 376 650 (PLEASE: no text messages) or via email:

Facebook: Cr Amanda Hay – Division 1 – Scenic Rim Regional Council (Note: I do not respond to “friend” requests – life is too short!)