Bushrats score QRL Hostplus Cup

Tamborine Mountain Bushrats Senior Men’s team
Tamborine Mountain Bushrats Senior Men’s team

THE Tamborine Mountain Bushrats have had a win in attracting a Queensland Cup game to Tamborine Mountain this year. 

Tamborine Mountain will host a Country Week clash between the Burleigh Bears and Souths Logan Magpies at the Tamborine Mountain Showgrounds. 

The game is part of a program by Queensland Rugby League and the Queensland Government to bring the Hostplus Cup to regional Queensland. 

Seven Hostplus Cup matches will be played in regional and rural communities throughout Queensland as part of Country Week to support local visitor economies and inspire Queensland’s next generation of rugby league talent.

Bushrats President, Alick Kilsby, said it will be a great day for the Club and the Mountain.

“This is an incredible opportunity, not only for members of our community, but also for visitors from outside the region to take part in what promises to be a historical moment for sport on the Mountain.”

“Both of these teams are Broncos affiliated so you can expect to see a few big names on and off the field.”

“We’re appreciative of the generous opportunity provided by the QRL to host such a marquee event and want to say thanks for all of the help we have received so far in preparation for this game.”

Tamborine Mountain Bushrats Senior Mens’ team will kick off the day with a game against Burleigh commencing 12.30pm.

More details – Country Week Hostplus Cup

Tamborine Mountain Showground, Gates open 11.30am, Saturday July 27.

Tamborine Mountain Bushrats VS Burleigh Bears, 12.30pm.

Feature game:  Burleigh Bears VS Magpies 2.30pm

Food trucks, licenced bar on site.

This is a ticketed event:

Adults $10pp, pensioners $5pp and children under 12 free.

All tickets to be purchased at the gate on the day.